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382Office Order in respect of Shri Sunil Kumar Jha, Assistant Director (Vigilance), Zonal Vigilance Directorate, Delhi
No. A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/771 dated 30/01/2025
381Office Order in respect of Shri Jitender Kumar, Assistant Director (Vigilance), EPFO Vigilance Headquarters, New Delhi
No. A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/770 dated 30/01/2025
380Office Order in respect of Shri Rahul Nawani, Deputy Director (Vigilance) at ZVD, Mumbai
HRM/VII/A-11(3)2018/AD/74 dated 29/01/2025
379Office Order in respect of Shri Ebin Viswanath V, Deputy Director (Vigilance), EPFO Vigilance Headquarters, New Delhi
HRM-VII/A-11(3)2018/AD/665 dated 27/01/2025
378Office Order in respect of Shri Pankaj Kumar, Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical), at PDUNASS, Delhi.
HRM-II/D-1(10)2023/E456954/624 dated 24/01/2025
377Office Order in respect of Shri Pavittarpal Singh, Assistant Director (Vigilance),Zonal Vigilance Directorate, Chandigarh
A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/628 dated 24/01/2025
376Office order regarding repatriation of Sh. E K Anuj Kumar, AD (Vig.) from Zonal Vigilance Directorate, South Zone, Hyderabad – Regarding
HRM-VII/I/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig.)/E9505 dated 24/01/2025
375Office Order in respect of Shri Kapil Dixit, Junior Engineer (Electrical), Zonal Office (Delhi, Uttarakhand, J&K and Ladakh)
HRM-II/D-1(10)2023/E456954/522 dated 23/01/2025
374Office Order in respect of Shri Ritesh Solanki, Junior Engineer (Civil), Zonal Office, Bhopal (MP)
HRM-II/D-1(10)2023/E456954/523 dated 23/01/2025
373Posting Orders of the newly recruited Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in Employees' Provident Fund Organization – Regarding
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/403 dated 22/01/2025
372Office order regarding repatriation of Sh. Narender Mohan Vashist, AD (Vig.) from Zonal Vigilance Directorate, West Zone, Mumbai – reg
HRM-VII/I/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig.)/E9505 dated 21/01/2025
371Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (Direct Recruitment) in Level-5 (Rs.29, 200-92, 300) in the Pay Matrix with grade pay Rs.2800/- in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation – Cancellation of candidature of selected candidates from Waiting List regarding.
File No.Recruitment/Exam.12(1)2025/SSA/397 dated 17/01/2025
370Extension of deputation in respect of Shri Binod Kumar Upadhyay, Assistant Director (Vigilance), Zonal Vigilance Directorate, North Zone, Delhi – regarding
HRM-VII/I/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig)-Part(1)/289 dated 14/01/2025
369Offer of Appointment for the post of Deputy Director (Vigilance) of Shri Rahul Verma, on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-VII/A-11(3)2018/AD/261 dated 10/01/2025
368Offer of Appointment for the post of Deputy Director (Vigilance) of Shri Ebin Viswanath V on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-VII/A-11(3)2018/AD/260 dated 10/01/2025
367Offer of Appointment for the post of Deputy Director (Vigilance) of Shri Vinay Pandey, on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-VII/A-11(3)2018/AD/259 dated 10/01/2025
366Offer of Appointment for the post of Deputy Director (Vigilance) of Shri Anand S,IFS, on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-VII/A-11(3)2018/AD/258 dated 10/01/2025
365Offer of Appointment for the post of Deputy Director (Vigilance) of Shri Rahul Nawani, on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-VII/A-11(3)2018/AD/257 dated 10/01/2025
364Offer of Appointment for the post of Assistant Director (Vigilance) of Shri Sunil Kumar Jha on deputation basis in EPFO.
No: A-11(3)/Pt/6828/382/255 dated 10/01/2025
363Offer of Appointment for the post of Assistant Director (Vigilance) of Shri Jitender Kumar on deputation basis in EPFO.
No: A-11(3)/Pt/6828/382/254 dated 10/01/2025
362Corrigendum-Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (DR) in EPFO- Declaration of Waiting List
File No: Recruitment/Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/394 dated 08/01/2025
361Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (Direct Recruitment) in Level-5 (Rs.29, 200 92, 300) in the Pay Matrix with grade pay Rs.2800/- in Employees' Provident Fund Organization– Completion of Pre-appointment formality of candidates selected from waiting list –Regarding
Recruitment/Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/391 dated 03/01/2025
360Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (Direct Recruitment) in Level-5 (Rs.29, 200-92, 300) in the Pay Matrix with grade pay Rs.2800/- in Employees' Provident Fund Organization – Completion of Pre-Appointment Formality of candidates selected from waiting list – Regarding
Recruitment/Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/390 dated 03/01/2025
359Disposal of representations regarding retention of Zones to SSAs - regarding
Recuitment/Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/389 dated 03/01/2025
358Office Order regarding repatriation of Shri Anupam Gaur, AD (Vig) from Zonal Vigilance Directorate, North Zone, Delhi
HRM-VII/I/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig.)/E9505/22 dated 01/01/2025
357Corrigendum - Declaration of the provisional result of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Section Supervisor held on 22.11.2024 – Regarding
No. A-34012/2/2022-EXAM/387 dated 31/12/2024
356Office Order regarding repatriation of Shri Saumendra Kumar Nanda, Assistant Director (Vigilance), Zonal Vigilance Directorate, North Zone, Delhi
HRM-VII/I/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig.)/E9505/1215 dated 30/12/2024
355Declaration of result of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Lower Division Clerk/Junior Secretariat Assistant held on 22.11.2024- reg.
File No: A-34012/1/2022-Exam/386 dated 27/12/2024
354Declaration of result of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the post of Section Supervisor held on 22.11.2024- reg
File No: A-34012/1/2022-Exam/385 dated 27/12/2024
353Office Order regarding repatriation of Shri Devendra Nath Pathak, Assistant Director (Vigilance)
HRM-VII/I/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig.)/E9505/384 dated 27/12/2024
352Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (DR) in EPFO- Declaration of Waiting List – reg
Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/383 dated 27/12/2024
351Posting of Sh. Neeraj Kumar Sharma, AD (Vig.) from ZVD, Kolkata to ZVD, Delhi - reg.
HRM-VII/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig).Part(1)/1186 dated 26/12/2024
350Posting of Md. Mustak Ali Alam, AD (Vig.) from ZVD, Hyderabad to ZVD, Kolkata - reg.
HRM-VII/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig).Part(1)/1185 dated 26/12/2024
349Offer of Appointment for the post of Assistant Director (Vigilance), of Shri Pavittarpal Singh, on deputation basis in EPFO.
No:A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/382 dated 23/12/2024
348Offer of Appointment for the post of Assistant Director (Vigilance), of Shri G Gajapathy, on deputation basis in EPFO
No:A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/381 dated 23/12/2024
347Promotion to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in Level 10 of Pay Matrix (Grade Pay Rs 5400/-) on regular basis for panel year 2024 – Regarding
HRM-II/P-141(16)2024/APFC/541 dated 24/12/2024
346Promotion to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in Level 10 of Pay Matrix (Grade Pay Rs 5400/-) on regular basis for panel year 2024 – Regarding
HRM-II/P-141(16)2024/APFC/540 dated 24/12/2024
345Offer of Appointment for the post of Junior Engineer (Electrical), of Shri Kapil Dixit, on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-II/D-1(10?2023/E456954/379 dated 23/12/2024
344Offer of Appointment for the post of Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical), of Shri Vikas Sharma, on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-II/D-1(10?2023/E456954/378 dated 23/12/2024
343Offer of Appointment for the post of Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical), of Shri Pankaj Kumar, on deputation basis in EPFO.
HRM-II/D-1(10?2023/E456954/377 dated 23/12/2024
342Offer of Appointment for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil), of Shri Ritsh Solanki, on deputation basis in EPFO
HRM-II/D-1(10?2023/E456954/376 dated 23/12/2024
341Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) (Direct Recruitment) in EPFO - Regarding.
File No: Recuirtment/Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/375 dated 20/12/2024
340Reallocation of State/Region for the newly recruited Social Security Assistant (Direct Recruitment) in Level-5 (Rs.29, 200-92, 300) in the Pay Matrix with grade pay Rs.2800/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organization - Submission of Representations Regarding
File No: Recruitment/Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/374 dated 19/12/2024
339Issuance of Corrigendum for Re-Allocation Order of SSAs dated 12.12.2024
Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/372 dated 19/12/2024
338Appointment order in respect of to the post of Assistant Director (Vigilance) of Shri M. Sankaranarayan, on deputation basis in EPFO
No.A-11(3)2018/Pt/M6828/E908456/1064 dated 18/12/2024
337Promotion to the post of Regional P.F. Commissioner, Grade-II in Level 11 of Pay Matrix on regular basis – reg
HRM-IIP-2(14)2024/RC-II/DPC/532 dated 17/12/2024
336Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer (Direct Recruitment)in the Pay Matrix Level 8 (pre-revised PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay Rs.4800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization – Handing over Provision Letter of Appointment through Rozgar Mela – Regarding.
No. A-12025/2/2024-EXAM/RECRUITMENT/371 dated 16/12/2024
335Reallocation of State/Region for the newly recruited Social Security Assistant (Direct Recruitment) in Level-5 (Rs. 29,200-92,300) in the Pay Matrix with grade pay Rs. 2800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization – regarding
Exam.12(1)2024/SSADR/356 dated 12/12/2024
334Posting of the newly recruited Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 6 (pre revised PB-2, Rs. 35,400-1,12,400 with grade pay of Rs.4200/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization – regarding
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/355 dated 12/12/2024
333Appointment of Shri Utkarsh Sharma, Investigating Inspection (Vigilance)/Chief Depot Material Superintendent O/o Dy. Chief Material Manager, Wagon Repair Shop, West Central Railway, Kota (Rajasthan) – 324001 as Assistant Director (Vigilance) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
A-11(3)/2018/Pt/M-6828/5694 dated 20/11/2024
332Appointment of Shri Om Prakash, Section Officer, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001 as Assistant Director (Vigilance) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
A-11(3)/2018/Pt/M-6828/5693 dated 20/11/2024
331Posting of the newly recruited Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 6 (pre revised PB-2, Rs. 35,400 – 1,12,400 with grade pay of Rs. 4200/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/342 dated 14/11/2024
330Provisional appointment of SUDHEER SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/341 dated 14/11/2024
329Posting of Newly Recruited Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 6 (pre revised PB-2, Rs. 35,400 – 1,12400 with grade pay of Rs.4200/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization – regarding
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/340 dated 12/11/2024
328Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) (Direct Recruitment) in EPFO – Ms. Geetha K.
Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/339 dated 12/11/2024
( bytes)
327Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) (Direct Recruitment) in EPFO – Shri Abhishek Mishra
Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/338 dated 12/11/2024
326Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in EPFO – Shri Kaushal Kishor
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/337 dated 11/11/2024
325Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in EPFO – Ms. Vandana
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/336 dated 11/11/2024
324Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in EPFO – Ms. Ritu Singh
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/335 dated 11/11/2024
323Cancellation of Appointment to the post of Junior Translation Officer (Direct Recruitment) in EPFO – Shri Vinay Kumar
Recruitment/7(2)2020/Jr.HT/DR/334 dated 11/11/2024
322Provisional appointment of PAWAN KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/332 dated 07/11/2024
321Provisional appointment of ARCHANA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/331 dated 07/11/2024
320Provisional appointment of RAJNEESH DIXIT to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/330 dated 07/11/2024
319Provisional appointment of YADAV AMIT SATYANARAYAN to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/329 dated 07/11/2024
318Promotion to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Grade-II in Level 11 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/504 dated 01/11/2024
317Promotion to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Grade-I) in Level 12 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/505 dated 01/11/2024
316Promotion to the post of Additional Central P.F. Commissioner in Level 13A of pay matrix [pre-revised PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8900/-] on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-11(3)2024/ACC/503 dated 01/11/2024
315Appointment of Shri Utkarsh Sharma, Investigating Inspector (Vigilance)/Chief Depot Material Superintendent, O/o Dy. Chief Material Manager, Wagon Repair Shop, West Central Railway, Kota (Rajasthan) – 324001 as Assistant Director (Vigilance) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/5370 dated 29/10/2024
314Appointment of Shri Utkarsh Sharma, Investigating Inspector (Vigilance)/Chief Depot Material Superintendent, O/o Dy. Chief Material Manager, Wagon Repair Shop, West Central Railway, Kota (Rajasthan) – 324 001 as Assistant Director (Vigilance) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO: A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/5370 dated 30/10/2024
313Provisional appointment of Diwakar Kumar Mishra to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO File No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/323 dated 28/10/2024
312Provisional appointment of Karunakar Pandey to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO File No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/319 dated 28/10/2024
311Provisional appointment of Komal Sonkar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO File No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/321 dated 28/10/2024
310Provisional appointment of Avinash Singh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO File No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/318 dated 28/10/2024
309Provisional appointment of Ankit Singh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO File No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/322 dated 28/10/2024
308Provisional appointment of Akash Patel to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO File No. Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR/320 dated 28/10/2024
307Office Order regarding the promotion to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Grade-I) in Level-12 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
HO No. HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/497 dated 28/10/2024
306Regarding appointment of Col. (Retd) Pravin Kumar to the post of Chief Engineer on re-employment basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation in Level-13 of the Pay Matrix
HO File No. A-12011/5/2023-HRM-VII/5236 dated 22/10/2024
305Offer of Appointment of Shri M. Sankaranarayanan, Chief Vigilance Inspector, Integral Coach Factory, Chennai as Assistant Director (Vigilance) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO No: A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/5211 dated 21/10/2024
304Offer of Appointment of Shri Om Prakash, Section Officer, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Khurshid Lal Bhawan, New Delhi as Assistant Director (Vigilance) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HO No: A-11(3)2018/Pt/6828/5210 dated 21/10/2024
303Office order regarding the transfer of ACC(HQ) and ACC
HO No. HRM-I/T-1(1)2/2024/484 dated 18/10/2024
302Appointment of Shri Neeraj Evelin Tigga, SSSA, Regional Office, Delhi (North) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E12280/5147 dated 18/10/2024
301Provisional appointment of PARVESH KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-315 dated 18/10/2024
300Provisional appointment of LALIT KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-314 dated 18/10/2024
299Provisional appointment of DHEERAJ VERMA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-313 dated 18/10/2024
298Provisional appointment of SATYA PRAKASH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-312 dated 18/10/2024
297Provisional appointment of ANKUR GAUTAM to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-311 dated 18/10/2024
296Provisional appointment of RAJ KUMAR SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-310 dated 18/10/2024
295Provisional appointment of SHIVANI GARIMA SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-309 dated 18/10/2024
294Provisional appointment of SANDEEP KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-308 dated 18/10/2024
293Provisional appointment of AMIT KUMAR SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-307 dated 18/10/2024
292Provisional appointment of AKANKSHA PATEL to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-306 dated 18/10/2024
291Provisional appointment of VINAY KUMAR SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-305 dated 18/10/2024
290Provisional appointment of RAJIV RANJAN PANDEY to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-304 dated 18/10/2024
289Provisional appointment of ALKA YADAV to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-303 dated 18/10/2024
288Provisional appointment of NIKHIL DWIVEDI to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-302 dated 18/10/2024
287Provisional appointment of ANURADHA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-301 dated 18/10/2024
286Provisional appointment of AVANEESH KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-300 dated 18/10/2024
285Provisional appointment of SUSHMITA TRIPATHI to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-299 dated 18/10/2024
284Provisional appointment of ALOK RAI to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-298 dated 18/10/2024
283Provisional appointment of ATMAN SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-297 dated 18/10/2024
282Provisional appointment of SANDEEP MISHRA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-296 dated 18/10/2024
281Provisional appointment of SANTOSH KUMAR YADAV to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-295 dated 18/10/2024
280Provisional appointment of YOGENDRA VIKAL to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-294 dated 18/10/2024
279Provisional appointment of SANJEEV SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-293 dated 18/10/2024
278Provisional appointment of AYUSHI TIWARI to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-292 dated 18/10/2024
277Provisional appointment of PATIL SIDDHANT SUHAS to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-289 dated 11/10/2024
276Provisional appointment of AKSHAY WAGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-288 dated 11/10/2024
275Provisional appointment of GHANBAHADUR MANISH SUNIL to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-281 dated 08/10/2024
274Provisional appointment of SAHIL CHOUDHARY to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-280 dated 08/10/2024
273Provisional appointment of SANDEEP CHANDRA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-279 dated 08/10/2024
272Provisional appointment of MUNI RAJ KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-278 dated 08/10/2024
( bytes)
271Provisional appointment of PUSHPENDRA KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-277 dated 08/10/2024
270Provisional appointment of DHIRAJ SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-276 dated 08/10/2024
269Provisional appointment of JITENDER MEENA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-275 dated 08/10/2024
268Provisional appointment of VIJAY BAHADUR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-274 dated 08/10/2024
267Provisional appointment of ABHISHEK to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-273 dated 08/10/2024
266Provisional appointment of MUKESH KUNAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-272 dated 08/10/2024
265Provisional appointment of JYOTIRMAYA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-271 dated 08/10/2024
264Provisional appointment of GAURAV VERMA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-270 dated 08/10/2024
263Provisional appointment of AKANKSHA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-269 dated 08/10/2024
262Provisional appointment of PALAK VERMA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-268 dated 08/10/2024
261Provisional appointment of BIPIN KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-267 dated 08/10/2024
260Provisional appointment of POOJA SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-266 dated 08/10/2024
259Provisional appointment of NISHANT SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-265 dated 08/10/2024
258Provisional appointment of MOHIT DIXIT to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-264 dated 08/10/2024
257Provisional appointment of VINOD KUMAR YADAV to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-263 dated 08/10/2024
256Provisional appointment of RAM ASHISH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-262 dated 08/10/2024
255Provisional appointment of SATYAM KUMAR MISHRA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-261 dated 08/10/2024
254Provisional appointment of SHIV PRATAP SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-260 dated 08/10/2024
253Provisional appointment of MANOJ KUMAR PATEL to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-259 dated 08/10/2024
252Provisional appointment of SAURABH SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-258 dated 08/10/2024
251Provisional appointment of PRIYA DWIVEDI to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-257 dated 08/10/2024
250Provisional appointment of SURABHI DWIVEDI to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-256 dated 08/10/2024
249Provisional appointment of SHUBHAM KUMAR UMARVAISHYA to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR dated 08/10/2024
248Provisional appointment of BALDEV KUMAR to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-254 dated 08/10/2024
247Provisional appointment of SANT SAROJ to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-253 dated 08/10/2024
246Provisional appointment of DEVANSH SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-252 dated 08/10/2024
245Provisional appointment of ANKIT KANDPAL to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-251 dated 08/10/2024
244Provisional appointment of AMIT KUMAR SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-250 dated 08/10/2024
243Provisional appointment of RAM KESH SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-249 dated 08/10/2024
242Provisional appointment of DEEPANSHU SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-248 dated 08/10/2024
241Provisional appointment of PRASHANT KUMAR SINGH to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-247 dated 08/10/2024
240Provisional appointment of BHUVANESH VARSHNEY to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-246 dated 08/10/2024
239Provisional appointment of Ms Manju to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-243 dated 03/10/2024
238Provisional appointment of Sh Vinay Kumar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-242 dated 03/10/2024
237Provisional appointment of Sh Brijesh Kumar Vais to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-241 dated 03/10/2024
236Provisional appointment of Sh Adarsh Kaimathiya to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-240 dated 03/10/2024
235Provisional appointment of Sh Abhay Kumar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-239 dated 03/10/2024
234Provisional appointment of Sh Ashok Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-238 dated 03/10/2024
233Provisional appointment of Sh Monu Singh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-237 dated 03/10/2024
232Provisional appointment of Sh Shubham Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-236 dated 03/10/2024
231Provisional appointment of Sh Aman Kumar Saigal to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-235 dated 03/10/2024
230Provisional appointment of Sh Jeetesh Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-234 dated 03/10/2024
229Provisional appointment of Reetu Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-233 dated 03/10/2024
228Provisional appointment of Sh Shivkesh Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-232 dated 03/10/2024
227Provisional appointment of Sh Bharat Lal Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-231 dated 03/10/2024
226Provisional appointment of Sh Navneet Nitesh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-230 dated 03/10/2024
225Provisional appointment of Sh Mahendra Kumar Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-229 dated 03/10/2024
224Provisional appointment of Sh Nitin Kumar Azad to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-228 dated 03/10/2024
223Provisional appointment of Sh Parveen Saroha to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-227 dated 03/10/2024
222Provisional appointment of Sh Radhanath Pattanayak to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-226 dated 03/10/2024
221Provisional appointment of Sh Ankush Kundu to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-225 dated 03/10/2024
220Provisional appointment of Sh Kandikattu Subhash to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-224 dated 03/10/2024
219Provisional appointment of Sh Rohit Singh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-223 dated 03/10/2024
218Provisional appointment of Sh Atishay Yadav to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-222 dated 03/10/2024
217Provisional appointment of Sh Dilip Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-221 dated 03/10/2024
216Provisional appointment of Sh Vipplavi Singh Chauhan to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-220 dated 03/10/2024
215Provisional appointment of Sh Vikash Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-219 dated 03/10/2024
214Provisional appointment of Sh Suraj Goswami to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-218 dated 03/10/2024
213Provisional appointment of Sh Deepak Tiwari to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-217 dated 03/10/2024
212Provisional appointment of Sh Dharmendra Gurjar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-216 dated 03/10/2024
211Provisional appointment of Sh Vineet Kumar Saroj to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-215 dated 03/10/2024
210Provisional appointment of Sh Varun Katiyar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-214 dated 03/10/2024
209Provisional appointment of Sh Manish Kumar Gurjar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-213 dated 03/10/2024
208Provisional appointment of Sh Avinash Kumar Maurya to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-212 dated 03/10/2024
207Provisional appointment of Saif Ali to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-211 dated 03/10/2024
206Provisional appointment of Ms Nidhi Yadav to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-210 dated 03/10/2024
205Provisional appointment of Sh Rohit Malik to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-209 dated 03/10/2024
204Provisional appointment of Sh Akhilesh Sharma to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-208 dated 03/10/2024
203Provisional appointment of Sh Ankur Pandey to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-207 dated 03/10/2024
202Provisional appointment of Sh Rahul to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-206 dated 03/10/2024
201Provisional appointment of MD SANAULLAH ANSARI to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-205 dated 03/10/2024
200Provisional appointment of Sh Ashish Kumar Yadav to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-204 dated 03/10/2024
199Provisional appointment of Sh Devendra Pratap Kushwaha to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-203 dated 03/10/2024
198Provisional appointment of Sh Srinjay Kumar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-202 dated 03/10/2024
197Provisional appointment of Sh Nitik Jakhar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-201 dated 03/10/2024
196Provisional appointment of Sh Suraj Kumar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-200 dated 03/10/2024
195Provisional appointment of Sh Narinder Soni to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-199 dated 03/10/2024
194Provisional appointment of Ms Neha Kumari to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-198 dated 03/10/2024
193Provisional appointment of Sh Ashwini Kumar Singh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-197 dated 03/10/2024
192Provisional appointment of Sh Sumek Meena to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-196 dated 03/10/2024
191Provisional appointment of Sh Piyush Kumar Mishra to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-195 dated 03/10/2024
190Provisional appointment of Sh Sudhanshu Niketan Mishra to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-194 dated 03/10/2024
189Provisional appointment of Sh Akash Agrawal to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-193 dated 03/10/2024
188Provisional appointment of Sh Vimal Kumar Singh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-192 dated 03/10/2024
187Provisional appointment of Sh Anurag Jonwal to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-191 dated 03/10/2024
186Provisional appointment of Ms Shristi Nain to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-190 dated 03/10/2024
185Provisional appointment of Harmeet Kajal to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-189 dated 03/10/2024
184Provisional appointment of Sh Ankit Rathi to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-188 dated 03/10/2024
183Provisional appointment of Sh Nishant Ojha to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-187 dated 03/10/2024
182Provisional appointment of Sh Milan Kumar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-186 dated 03/10/2024
181Provisional appointment of Sh Prikshit Deswal to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-185 dated 03/10/2024
180Provisional appointment of Sh Sumit to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-184 dated 03/10/2024
179Provisional appointment of Sh Gourav Tiwari to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-183 dated 03/10/2024
178Provisional appointment of Sh Armaan to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-182 dated 03/10/2024
177Provisional appointment of Ms Poonam to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-181 dated 03/10/2024
176Provisional appointment of Sh Prashant Kumar to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-180 dated 03/10/2024
175Provisional appointment of Sh Ankit Srivastava to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-179 dated 03/10/2024
174Provisional appointment of Sh Hritik Rajput to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-178 dated 03/10/2024
173Provisional appointment of Ms Pooja to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-177 dated 03/10/2024
172Provisional appointment of Sh. Vivek Kumar Gupta to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-176 dated 03/10/2024
171Provisional appointment of Sh. Rajesh Babal to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-175 dated 03/10/2024
170Provisional appointment of Sh. Vijay to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-174 dated 03/10/2024
169Provisional appointment of Sh. Pankaj to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-173 dated 03/10/2024
168Provisional appointment of Sh. Rahul Choudhary to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-172 dated 03/10/2024
167Provisional appointment of Sh. Deepak Kumar Kushwaha to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-171 dated 03/10/2024
166Provisional appointment of Sh. Arjit Dubey to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-170 dated 03/10/2024
165Provisional appointment of Sh. Joginder Singh to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-169 dated 03/10/2024
164Provisional appointment of Sh. Rahul Malik to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-168 dated 03/10/2024
163Provisional appointment of Sh. Saurabh Chaturvedi to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-167 dated 03/10/2024
162Provisional appointment of Ms Arpana Gill to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-166 dated 03/10/2024
161Provisional appointment of Sh. Sachiv Nehra to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600- 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees' Provident Fund Organisation
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-165 dated 03/10/2024
160Promotion to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in Level 10 of Pay Matrix (Revised PB3 of Rs.15600-39100/- + Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-) on regular basis for panel year 2024.
HO No: HRM-II/P-141(6)2024/APFC/442 dated 07/10/2024
159Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Sanjeev Kumar Upadhyay, SSSA, Regional Office, Ranchi as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12290/5416 dated 04/10/2024
158Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar Lalakwar, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Raipur as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12290/5415 dated 04/10/2024
157Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Kailash Chand Meena, SSSA, Regional Office, Ahmedabad as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12290/5414 dated 04/10/2024
156Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Jitender Singh Meena, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Delhi (Central) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12290/5413 dated 04/10/2024
155Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Dibyendu Kar, UDC, State Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12290 dated 04/10/2024
154Appointment to the post of Private Secretary in Level 8 (Rs 47,600-1,51,000) in the Pay Matrix on regular basis
No: A-45011/19/2022-HRM-IV/55 dated 04/10/2024
153Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer – DR Quota Ms. Gargi Bisht
No.A-12011/8/2024-EXAM-164 dated 01/10/2024
152Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer – DR Quota - Sh Karamveer Singh No.A-12011/8/2024-EXAM-163
No.A-12011/8/2024-EXAM-163 dated 01/10/2024
151Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer – DR Quota Sh. Arun Prakash
No.A-12011/8/2024-EXAM-162 dated 01/10/2024
150Office Order regarding transfers of ASOs
No.HRM-III/Option Calling for posting of ASOs at HO/2024/49 dated 27/09/2024
149Promotion to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commission (Grade-1) in Level 12 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
HO No: HRM-I/A-8(1) 2024/Pt.I/437 dated 27/09/2024
148Office Order regarding repatriation of Shri Krishan Murari JaipurIar, Deputy director (Audit)
No.EPFO/HQ/RC/AUDIT/REPATRIATION/E866787/5195 dated 26/09/2024
147Office Order regarding extension of the period of deputation in respect of Shri Santosh Kumar, Assistant Director (Vigilance)
No.HRM-VII/I/A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig)-Part(1)/5208 dated 26/09/2024
146Promotion to the post of Regional P.F. Commissioner, Grade-II in Level 11 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
No.HRM-II/P-2(14)2024/RC-II/DPC/436 dated 26/09/2024
145Office Order regarding repatriation of Shri Raju Kumar Gupta, SSSA, IAP, Kolkata
No. HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.II/Auditor/E-862216/5119 dated 23/09/2024
144Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri K Uma Maheshwar Rao, DEO, Regional Office, Jamshedpur as Auditor on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No. HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E12280/E862216/5118 dated 23/09/2024
143Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Kanti Venkatesh, SSSA, Regional Office, Vellore as Auditor on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No. HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E12280/E862216/5117 dated 23/09/2024
142Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Prakash Kumar Sinha, SSSA, Regional Office, Kandivali (West) as Auditor on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No. HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E12280/E862216/5116 dated 23/09/2024
141Office Order regarding Appointment of Rajesh Kumar Choudhary, SSSA, Regional Office, Mumbai (Bandra) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E12280/5115 dated 23/09/2024
140Office order regarding premature repatriation of Shri Raushan Kumar, AAO
HO No: HQ/ HRM-(VI1)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E12280/5000 dated 19/09/2024
139Offer of Appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar Lakakwar, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Raipur as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4810 dated 09/09/2024
138Offer of Appointment of Shri Sanjeev Kumar Upadhyay, SSSA, Regional Office, Ranchi as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4809 dated 09/09/2024
137Offer of Appointment of Shri Rajesh Kumar Choudhary, SSSA, Regional Office, Mumbai (Bandra) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4808 dated 09/09/2024
136Offer of Appointment of Shri Kailash Chand Meena, SSSA, Regional Office, Ahmedabad as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4807 dated 09/09/2024
135Offer of Appointment of Shri Dibyendu Kar, UDC/Assistant grade, Recurring Account I/C, State Institute of Rural development & Panchayati Raj, Itanagar – 791113 (Arunachal Pradesh) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4806 dated 09/09/2024
134Offer of Appointment of Shri Amit Kumar Sagal, SSSA, Regional Office, Delhi (North) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4805 dated 09/09/2024
133Offer of Appointment of Shri Neeraj Evelin Tigga, SSSA, Regional Office, Delhi (North) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4804 dated 09/09/2024
132Offer of Appointment of Shri Amit Kumar, SSSA, Regional Office, Delhi (Central) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4803 dated 09/09/2024
131Offer of Appointment of Shri Jitender Singh Meena, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Delhi (Central) as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/4802 dated 09/09/2024
130Reallocation of Offices to the Stenographers (Directly Recruited) in EPFO through NTA
HO No. HRM-IV/3(1)2020/Appointment/Stenographer/132 dated 06/09/2024
129Promotion to the post of Additional Central PF Commissioner in Level 13A of pay matrix [pre-revised PB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8900/-] on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-11(3)2024/ACC/415 dated 06/09/2024
128Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Swapan Kumar Mandal, Senior Audit Officer, India Audit and Accounts Department, O/o the Director General of Audit, Indian Audit and Accounts Department, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh – 490045 as Deputy Director (Audit) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4650 dated 05/09/2024
127Office Order regarding Appointment of Shri Jagan Mohan Sista, Assistant Audit Officer, India Audit and Accounts Department, O/o the Account General (Audit), Telangana, Hyderabad as Deputy Director (Audit) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4649 dated 05/09/2024
125Appointment of Shri Mohak Jagdish Nikam, Accounts Officer, Zonal Office, Pune as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4612 dated 04/09/2024
124Office Order regarding posting of Shri E. Manivannan, Deputy Director (Audit)
No.HRM-II(VII)1(22)/Audit/2020/E26551/4607 dated 04/09/2024
123Office Order regarding the transfer of Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner
HO No. HRM-I/2024/2/Transfer_posting/414 dated 03/09/2024
122Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 8 (pre-revised PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 with grade pay Rs.4800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation – Completion of appointment formalities – 6th Reserve Panel (16 candidates)
No.A-12025/2/2024-EXAM-129 dated 03/09/2024
121Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 8 (pre-revised PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 with grade pay Rs.4800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation – Completion of appointment formalities – 6th Reserve Panel (16 candidates)
No.A-12025/2/2024-EXAM-128 dated 03/09/2024
120Office Order regarding Promotion to the post of Additional Central P.F. Commissioner (HQ) in Level 14 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-11(1)/2024/ACC(HQ)/e-550529/410 dated 03/09/2024
119Promotion to the post of Additional Central P.F. Commissioner in Level 13A of pay matrix [pre-revisedPB-4 Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 8900/-] on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-11(3)2023/ACC/411 dated 03/09/2024
118Appointment of Shri Kanti Venkatesh, SSSA, Regional Office, Vellore as Auditor on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vl./Auuditor/E=-862216/4527
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vl./Auuditor/E--862216/4527 dated 30/08/2024
117Appointment of Shri K Uma Maheswaar, DEO, Regional Office, Jamshedpur as Auditor on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vl./Auuditor/E-862216/4526 dated 30/08/2024
116Office Order regarding the assumption of charge to the post of CPFC
HO No. HRM-I/A-1(1)2024/398 dated 22/08/2024
115Appointment of Shri Anand Iyer, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Indore as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provedent Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4238 dated 16/08/2024
114Appointment of Shri Anant Kumar Divakar, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Jalandhar as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4237 dated 16/08/2024
113Appointment of Shri Anuj Kumar Sinha, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Guwahati as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4241 dated 16/08/2024
112Appointment of Shri Bipin Kumar, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Jalandhar as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4243 dated 16/08/2024
111Appointment of Shri Deepak Patial, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Jalandhar as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4242 dated 16/08/2024
110Appointment of Shri Dharam Raj Maurya, Assistant Audit Officer, O/o The Principal Director of Audit, Finance & Communication, Shamnath Marg (Near Old Secretariate), Delhi - 110054 as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4235 dated 16/08/2024
109Appointment of Smt. Neetha Kumari P, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Bengaluru (Electronic City) as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4244 dated 16/08/2024
108Appointment of Shri Pramod Kumar Ray, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Guwahati as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4240 dated 16/08/2024
107Appointment of Shri Prithvendra Kumar, Assistant Audit Officer, O/o The Director General Of Audit (C), Lekha Pariksha Bhawan, 361, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai - 600018 as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4236 dated 16/08/2024
106Appointment of Shri Rajiv Ranjan Srivastava, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Kandivali (East) as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4239 dated 16/08/2024
105Appointment of Shri Shankar Kumar, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Kolhapur as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4245 dated 16/08/2024
104Offer of Appointment of Shri Hemant Tiwari, Assistant Audit Officer, Indian Audit and Accounts Department, O/O The Director General of Audit, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi as Deputy Director (Audit) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation.
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4234 dated 16/08/2024
103Offer of Appointment of Shri Swapan Kumar Mandal, Audit Officer, Indian Audit and Accounts Department, O/O The Director General of Audit, South East Central Railway, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh as Deputy Director (Audit) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation.
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4233 dated 16/08/2024
102Offer of Appointment of Shri Jagan Mohan, Assistant Audit Officer, O/O The Accountant General Audit, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500004 as Deputy Director (Audit) on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation.
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/4232 dated 16/08/2024
101Appointment to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Grade – I) in level 12 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
HO No. HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/Pt.-I/380 dated 05/08/2024
100Appointment to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation – Completion of appointment formalities - Instructions to Zones
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-120 dated 05/08/2024
99Appointment to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3 Rs. 15600 – 39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation – Completion of appointment formalities
No.Exam.8(1)2024/APFC/DR-119 dated 05/08/2024
98Appointment of Shri Adarsh Gupta, Sr SSA, Regional Office, Lucknow as Assistant Audit Officer on deputation basis in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)/Audit/2018/Vol.I/E.12280/3965 dated 02/08/2024
97Offer of Appointment of Shri Sujeet Kumar, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Ludhiana as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3914 dated 30/07/2024
96Offer of Appointment of Shri Shankar Kumar, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Kolhapur as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3922 dated 30/07/2024
95Offer of Appointment of Shri Rajiv Ranjan Srivastava, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Kandivali (East) as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3911 dated 30/07/2024
94Offer of Appointment of Shri Prithvendra Kumar, Assistant Audit Officer, O/o The Director General Of Audit (C), Lekha Pariksha Bhawan, 361, Anna Salai, Teynampet, Chennai - 600018 as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3913 dated 30/07/2024
93Offer of Appointment of Shri Pramod Kumar Ray, Section Supervisor, Regional Office, Guwahati as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3909 dated 30/07/2024
92Offer of Appointment of Smt. Neetha Kumari P, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Bengaluru (Electronic City) as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3920 dated 30/07/2024
91Offer of Appointment of Shri Mohak Jagdish Nikam, Accounts Officer, Zonal Office, Pune as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3919 dated 30/07/2024
90Offer of Appointment of Shri Dharam Raj Maurya, Assistant Audit Officer, O/o The Principal Director of Audit, Finance & Communication, Shamnath Marg (Near Old Secretariate), Delhi - 110054 as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3915 dated 30/07/2024
89Offer of Appointment of Shri Deepak Patial, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Jalandhar as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3916 dated 30/07/2024
88Offer of Appointment of Shri Bipin Kumar, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Jalandhar as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3917 dated 30/07/2024
87Offer of Appointment of Shri Anuj Kumar Sinha, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Guwahati as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3910 dated 30/07/2024
86Offer of Appointment of Shri Anant Kumar Divakar, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Jalandhar as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3918 dated 30/07/2024
85Offer of Appointment of Shri Anand Iyer, Sr. SSA, Regional Office, Indore as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provedent Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3912 dated 30/07/2024
84Offer of Appointment of Shri Dayanidhi Batsa, Enforcement Officer, Regional Office, Agra as Assistant Director (Audit) in Employees’ Provedent Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-II/1(23)/New/DD/AD/Audit/2024/E570336/3921 dated 30/07/2024
83Appointment of Shri Gyan Gaurav Chand, Section Supervisor as Junior Analyst in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.A-12011/8/2022-HRM-VII/E53164/3873 dated 29/07/2024
82Office Order regarding appointment of Shri E. Manivannan, Assistant Audit Officer, India Audit and Accounts Department, Office of the Director General of Audit, Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai – 600 003 as Deputy director *(Audit) Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HRM-II(VII)/1/22/Audit/2020/E26551/3725 dated 24/07/2024
81Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (Direct Recruitment) in Level-5(Rs.29, 200-92,300) in the Pay Matrix with grade pay Rs.2800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation – Completion of appointment Formalities
No.A-12011/5/2021-HRM-V/103 dated 23/07/2024
80Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Manish Kumar Verma – DR Quota
A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3447 dated 12/07/2024
79Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Sudhanshu Singh – DR Quota
A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3446 dated 12/07/2024
78Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Afsal Najeeb– DR Quota
A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3445 dated 12/07/2024
77Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Utkarsh Singh– DR Quota
A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3444 dated 12/07/2024
76Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Pramod – DR Quota
A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3443 dated 12/07/2024
75Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Gaurav Rathi – DR Quota
A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3442 dated 12/07/2024
74Promotion to the post of Additional Central P.F. Commissioner in Level 13A of pay matrix [pre-revised PB-4 Rs.37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs.8900/-] on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-11(3)2024/ACC/359 dated 10/07/2024
73Office Order regarding refusal of promotion by Sh. Rakesh Nayak, RPFC-II
No.HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/355 dated 05/07/2024
72Reallocation of State/Zone to the newly recruited Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officers on the recommendation of the Union Public Service Commission against DR Quota
No.A-45011/219/2023-HRM-III/87 dated 05/07/2024
71Office Order regarding transfer of Sh. M.H Warsi, RPFC-I
No.HRM-I/A-10(136)98/351 dated 03/07/2024
70Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Souvik Roy-DR Quota
No.A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3051 dated 02/07/2024
69Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Rohit Kanti Das-DR Quota
No.A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3049 dated 02/07/2024
68Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Kundan Kumar-DR Quota
No.A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3050 dated 02/07/2024
67Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Ms Vanshika Singh-DR Quota
No.A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3048 dated 02/07/2024
66Appointment to the post of Programmer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HRM-X/Programmer(Deputation)/E47645 02-07 dated 02/07/2024
65Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 8 (pre-revised PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 with grade pay Rs.4800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
No.A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/3045 dated 02/07/2024
64Appointment to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Grade – I) in level 12 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
HO No. HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/Pt.-I/348 dated 01/07/2024
63Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (Direct Recruitment) in Level -5 (Rs. 29200-92300) in the Pay Matrix with Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation – completion of appointment formalities
HO No. A-12011/5/2021-HRM-V/88 dated 27/06/2024
62Appointment to the post of Additional Central Provident Fund Commissioner (HQ) in Level 14 of Pay Matrix [Pre-revised PB-4(Rs. 37400 -67000/-) with Grade Pay of Rs. 10000/- ] on regular basis
HO No. HRM1/A-11(1)/2024/ACC(HQ)/347 dated 27/06/2024
61Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Ms Sparsh Kaur – DR Quota
No.A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/1917 dated 24/06/2024
60Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Atul Marmit – DR Quota
No.A-12011/3/2023-HRM-III/1916 dated 24/06/2024
59Offer of appointment to the post of Junior Analyst in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.A-12011/8/2022-HRM-VII/E53164/82 dated 21/06/2024
58Appointment to the post of Social Security Assistant (direct Recruitment) in Level-5 (Rs.29,200-92,300) in the Pay Matrix with grade pay Rs.2800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation – Completion of appointment Formalities
No.A-12011/5/2021-HRM-V/1780 dated 18/06/2024
57Appointment to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Grade – I) in level 12 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
HO No. HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/Pt.-I/338 dated 14/06/2024
56Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer / Accounts Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 8 (Pre-revised PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay Rs. 4800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation - Completion of appointment formalities – 5th Reserve Panel (24 Candidates)
HO File No. A-12011/8/2024-EXAM-77 dated 11/06/2024
55Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer / Accounts Officer (Direct Recruitment) in the Pay Matrix Level 8 (Pre-revised PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with grade pay Rs. 4800/-) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation - Completion of appointment formalities – 5th Reserve Panel (24 Candidates)
HO File No. A-12011/8/2024-EXAM-76 dated 11/06/2024
54Appointment to the post of Programmer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
HO No. HRM-X/Programmer(Deputation)/E47645/74 dated 11/06/2024
53Appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/70 dated 07/06/2024
52Appointment of Shri Rajesh Kumar Jha, Sr.SSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/71 dated 07/06/2024
51Appointment of Shri Kamlesh Kumar Sinha, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/69 dated 07/06/2024
50Appointment to the post of Programmer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HRM-X/Programmer(Deputation)/E47645/67 dated 06/06/2024
49Appointment of Shri Naresh Kumar, Sr.SSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/59 dated 05/06/2024
48Appointment of Smt. Sangeeta, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/64 dated 05/06/2024
47Appointment of Shri Rajesh Rana, Sr.SSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/63 dated 05/06/2024
46Appointment of Shri Babla Sarkar, Sr.SSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/62 dated 05/06/2024
45Appointment of Shri Sujeet Kumar, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/61 dated 05/06/2024
44Appointment of Shri Jitendra Susawat, Sr.SSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/60 dated 05/06/2024
43Appointment of Shri Raju Kumar Gupta, Sr.SSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/58 dated 05/06/2024
42Appointment of Shri Jaspal Singh, Sr.SSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/1(13) Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/57 dated 05/06/2024
41Appointment of Shri Anuj Kumar Maurya, Sr.SSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-VII/VI/1/Auditor/7/2017/108/E-7626/56 dated 05/06/2024
40Office Order regarding repatriation of Sh. K. Ramesh, Deputy Director (Vig.), ZVD(NZ) New Delhi
No.HRM-II 8(4)2024/DD(vig.)/repatriation/334 dated 05/06/2024
39Promotion to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner in Level 10 of Pay Matrix (Revised PB3 of Rs. 15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-) on regular basis for panel year 2024
HO No. HRM-II/P-141(16)2024/APFC/333 dated 04/06/2024
38Office Order regarding Promotion to the post of Regional P.F. Commissioner, Grade-II in Level 11 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
No.HRM-II/P-2(14)2024/RC-II/DPC/329 dated 31/05/2024
37Appointment to the post of Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (Grade-I) in level 12 of Pay Matrix on regular basis
No.HRM-I/A-8(1)2024/Pt.-I/327 dated 31/05/2024
36Repatriation order of Sh. Ram Ji Gupta, Assistant Audit Officer (IAP Kanpur)
HO No. HQ/HRM-VII/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/52 dated 24/05/2024
35Repatriation order of Sh. Rahul Kumar Singh, Auditor (IAP Delhi)
HO No. HQ/HRM-VII/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/51 dated 24/05/2024
34Repatriation order of Sh. Bhagirath Parasad, Assistant Audit Officer (IAP Ahmedabad)
HO No. HQ/HRM-VII/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/50 dated 24/05/2024
33Repatriation order of Sh. S. Maragathavel, Assistant Audit Officer (IAP Kanpur)
HO No. HQ/HRM-VII/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/49 dated 24/05/2024
32Repatriation order of Sh. Lavkush Kumar Patel, Auditor (IAP Kanpur)
HO No. HQ/HRM-VII/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/48 dated 24/05/2024
31Cancellation of the Appointment to the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer in respect of Shri Swarupam Raj – DR Quota
No.A-12011/1/2024-HRM-III/1268 dated 24/05/2024
( bytes)
30Appointment of Shri Darla Suryanarayana Rao, Sr. SSA as Vigilance Assistant in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HRM-VII/37(1)97/VA/Pt./46 dated 17/05/2024
29Appointment of Shri Janakiramulu Polagani, Sr. SSA as Vigilance Assistant in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HRM-VII/37(1)97/VA/Pt./45 dated 17/05/2024
28Offer of appointment to the post of Programmer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HRM-X/Programmer(Deputation)/E47645/47 dated 17/05/2024
27Appointment of Shri Dibyanjana Roy, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/39 dated 09/05/2024
26Appointment of Shri Bamashankar Prasad, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/38 dated 09/05/2024
25Appointment of Shri Raju Kumar Gupta, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/37 dated 09/05/2024
24Appointment of Shri Naresh Kumar, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/36 dated 09/05/2024
23Appointment of Shri Jaspal Singh, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/35 dated 09/05/2024
22Appointment of Shri Pradeep Kumar, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/34 dated 09/05/2024
21Appointment of Shri Naresh Kumar, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/33 dated 09/05/2024
20Appointment of Shri Mahendra Rawani, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/32 dated 09/05/2024
19Appointment of Shri Jitendra Susawat , SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/31 dated 09/05/2024
18Appointment of Shri Prakash Kumar Sinha , SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/30 dated 09/05/2024
17Appointment of Shri Dheraj K Jethanandani, SSSA as Auditor in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/29 dated 09/05/2024
16Appointment of Shri Rajesh Rana, SSSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/28 dated 09/05/2024
15Appointment of Shri Vishal Anand, SSSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/27 dated 09/05/2024
14Appointment of Shri Adarsh Gupta, SSSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/26 dated 09/05/2024
13Appointment of Shri Rajesh Kumar Jha, SSSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/25 dated 09/05/2024
12Appointment of Shri Alok Jain, SSSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/24 dated 09/05/2024
11Appointment of Shri Vishwas Ravaji Kalantre, SSSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/23 dated 09/05/2024
10Appointment of Shri Rakesh Kumar, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/22 dated 09/05/2024
9Appointment of Smt. Sangeeta, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/21 dated 09/05/2024
8Appointment of Shri Sujeet Kumar, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/20 dated 09/05/2024
7Appointment of Shri Kamlesh Kumar Sinha, Section Supervisor as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/19 dated 09/05/2024
6Appointment of Shri Babla Sarkar, SSSA as Assistant Audit Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputation basis
No.HQ/HRM-(VII)/1(13)Audit/2018/Vol.I/E-12280/18 dated 09/05/2024
5Office Order regarding extension of deputation period of Shri P Bhaktavatsalam, Deputy Director (Vigilance)
No.HRM-II/3(01)2024/DD(Vig.)/E-679003/17 dated 09/05/2024
4Office Order regarding repatriation of Smt. Vinita Shyam, Assistant Director (Vigilance)
No.HRM-II(VII)A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig.)/E9505/16 dated 09/05/2024
3Office Order regarding repatriation of Smt. Hema Pradhan, Assistant Director (Vigilance)
No.HRM-II(VII)A-5(1)2012/AD(Vig.)/E9505/15 dated 09/05/2024
2Appointment of Shri Jitender Kumar, Works Manager/Maintenance, Ordinance Factory Katni as Executive Engineer (Electrical) in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation on deputatiojn basis
No.HRM-II(VII)/A-5(2)/2017/Engg./E27816/1084 dated 07/05/2024
1Office Order regarding the repatriation of Sh. Manohar Naidu, DD (Vigilance)
HO No. HRM-II/3(02)2024/DD(Vig)/577 dated 12/04/2024